October 16, 2023

Progress Being Made for Jordan to Get House Gavel

We have seen reports of numerous Republicans that could possibly block Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) to mount their own challenge to snag the gavel.

One of the names that has been tossed around is current Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN).

Emmer's team, however, ruled him out of going against Jim Jordan in an apparent move to get the party on the same page and hand the gavel to Jordan.

Let's Unite

I was 100 percent behind the removal of McCarthy, but I would have thought that Rep. Gaetz (R-FL) had a plan in place for another Speaker, but that was clearly not the case.

Honestly, if we did not have this Israeli war going on, this would not be so pressing, but we have Americans in harm's way, and troops headed there, so we need Congress back in motion.

After Jordan was named in the second election, there were still more than 50 Republicans in opposition to him, some supporting Emmer to run as a middle-of-the-road solution.

Emmer's office, however, stated that was not happening.

Team Emmer Executive Director Michael McAdams stated, "Whip Emmer has no plans to run for Speaker.

"Whip Emmer spoke to Congressman Jordan directly this AM and told him he was supporting him. We have been in touch with his team all day in support."

Keep in mind here... Emmer is the Whip, so it is literally his job to make sure the vote passes, not become part of the problem.

McCarthy has also since come out to support Jordan, although he always seems to mention his own ousting in the process, as well as the fact there are still members who support him for getting the gavel back.

To be honest, the McCarthy contingent could be the largest resistance in the House, which is why I had previously stated that McCarthy needed to address, privately if need be, to get them on board with this.

Democrats have used this as a talking point ever since they voted with Gaetz to have McCarthy removed, so the party just needs to put its differences aside and put that gavel in Jordan's hands.

If not, come 2024, a Republican holding that gavel may not be an option.

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