May 6, 2024

Pro-Palestine Protests Being Funded by Biden Donors

All across the nation, we are seeing protests pop up on school campuses.

When the arrest reports are filed, we find out that many of the people at these protests are not even students.

Now it is being reported that in many cases, the people organizing and attending these protests are being funded by the very people helping to back Biden’s campaign.

Follow the Money

When we first saw the organization behind some of these protests, we started to question if there was outside help.

Some of these events were extremely well organized, very much reminiscent of the George Floyd protests and rioting.

As it turns out, there is a reason for that.

Surprise, surprise… financing for these protests has been traced back, at least in part, to George Soros’ Open Society Foundation organizations.

There have been several other high-profile Democrats linked to these protests as well.

Conservative outlets have been wondering why Biden’s DOJ is not being more aggressive in prosecuting these protests, and now it would appear that we know why.

If the DOJ starts to investigate these events that became violent, he would, in essence, be going after his donor network, and we all know that is not going to happen.

For instance, a recent Politico report found that the Columbia University protests were organized by, among others, Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow.

Both of those groups are supported by the Tides Foundation, which is partly funded by George Soros and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Some of these other protests have been organized by groups funded in part by Susan and Nick Pritzker, the Hyatt Hotel heirs who are also relatives of the Governor of Illinois.

Biden is coddling these groups so as not to upset his donors, but in the process, he is alienating Jewish voters in key battleground states.

This is what happens when you back yourself into a corner by pacifying extremists.

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