January 28, 2024

Prince Harry’s Charity Accused Of Shocking Crimes

Prince Harry is going to have some serious questions to answer after recent allegations have emerged.

Has he been running a charity, or a crime ring?

The Duke of Sussex's conservation organization, called the African Parks Charity, has been accused of disturbing crimes ranging from intimidation to rape, according to the Daily Mail.

The Mail launched an investigation, and what reporters found sent shivers down their spines.

According to the outlet, the entity at issue is operated by guards hired and paid for by the African Parks charity.

Many of those guards have allegedly been committing heinous crimes.

According to an activist whistleblower, one incident involved a death after an individual was beaten and jailed. A woman was reportedly raped with her newborn baby by her side. The accusations are all similar and nature, each just as evil and vile as the last.

"Some guards are bad people and their activities should be stopped. What they are doing is cruel and inhumane," said an alleged victim of the charity workers who claims they forced his head under water while keeping his hands cuffed behind his back.

What may be even more disturbing than guards’ alleged actions, is the fact that this charity is RAPIDLY growing. With a charity like this becoming more and more prominent every single day, there’s no telling how out of control these guards will get if the allegations are all true and no one steps in to hold them accountable.

Prince Harry’s ties to the organization run deep, with the royal even inviting the CEO of the charity to his wedding and to sit on the group's board of directors.

However, when the Mail brought their concerns to the duke, a spokesperson for his charity organization known as Archewell said that Harry “immediately escalated” the investigation findings to the group's CEO.”

Only time will tell if Prince Harry’s actions will put a stop to the behavior going on in the African Parks charity organization.

To read more about this story, please click on the source here.

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