June 5, 2024

Primary Season About to Wrap Up After Trump Wins Montana Primary

Even though Donald Trump and Joe Biden are the presumptive nominees for their respective parties, the primary races still go on.

To that point, Trump won what will be one of the final primaries of the season by taking down Montana.

The primary season closes out next week after Guam and the Virgin Islands vote.

Another Win

Recently, protest votes have been filed in many states that could impact the outcome of the general election.

That should not be the case for Trump in Montana, as he took down nearly 91% of the votes in the deep red state, which Trump is expected to easily carry in November.

Biden had similar numbers, winning 91.2% of the vote, with only 8.8% non-committal votes.

While their percentages were similar, the vote totals were not, with Trump getting nearly 161,000 votes to Biden’s 91,000.

With the primary season now all but over, expect things to start moving fast and furious toward the respective conventions and the big stretch run.

Now, however, the question is if Trump will even be able to attend the convention or campaign after July.

Judge Merchan has very suspiciously scheduled Trump’s sentencing for just a few days before the convention.

If he orders Trump to jail or house arrest, it would mean that Trump would be benched for the remainder of the campaign, with GOP Senators already warning Merchan they will come after him for election interference if he does that.

I don’t know, though… that basement strategy worked for Joe Biden in 2020, so maybe having Trump remotely campaign from prison or Mar-a-Lago could prove to be fruitful.

That question will be answered in about five weeks when we hear Merchan read off Trump’s sentence.

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