April 1, 2024

Pope Francis Finally Appears to be in Good Health Celebrating Easter Sunday

Pope Francis has had Catholics concerned for quite some time about his health issues.

He has been struggling to recover from respiratory issues for months.

However, on Easter Sunday, he finally appeared to be in much better health.

Long History of Health Issues

Pope Francis has had a fairly tough winter, battling health issues more often than not.

There was initially some gossip that he had COVID, but his office quickly quieted those rumors to assure everyone that it was “just” some respiratory issues.

Many were concerned that the Pope would not preside over traditional Easter Sunday services, especially after Pope Francis was not leading the Good Friday services.

On Sunday, however, Pope Francis appeared, quieting the rumors, at least for now, of his health demise.

While addressing the big Easter Sunday crowd, he stated, “Peace is never made with weapons, but with outstretched hands and open hearts,” which was perceived as a bit of a slap in the face to Israel for its continued war against Hamas.

Health issues are nothing new for this Pope, who has a long history of them.

For instance, last year, it was announced that Pope Francis had to address a laparocele, a hernia that sometimes forms over a scar, usually resulting from surgery.

That was believed to have developed from a 2021 surgery the Pope had to remove a portion of the Pontiff’s colon.

In 2022, the Pope canceled a planned trip because of issues he was having when he walked.

That same year, he was getting mental health treatments due to anxiety issues.

In 2020, it was revealed that the Pope had sciatica, which caused him to miss both the New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day celebrations.

Six decades ago, the Pope had one of his lungs removed after having developed pleurisy.

At 86, perhaps it is time for the Pope to step aside and allow a younger man to take over these duties, perhaps one who is less liberally politically active.

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