November 12, 2023

Poll: Trump leading Biden among independent voters

The news for President Joe Biden and his 2024 campaign just seems to get worse by the day, and Cygnal's November poll reveals that former President Donald Trump now leads the incumbent among the all-important independent voting bloc, as Breitbart reports.

According to the survey, independents have a more favorable view of Trump than of Biden – by a tally of six points – and prefer the former president to the current one as their 2024 candidate by an identical margin, with 18% remaining undecided.

Delving deeper into the numbers

The survey noted that Biden has a slim, 2-point lead over Trump when it comes to all voters, that lead shrinks to a single point if independent candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. is considered.

When up against a generic Republican, rather than Trump, Biden enjoys a 4-point lead, though the former president is currently dominating his rivals for the GOP nod.

In a three-way contest involving Biden, Trump, and Kennedy, Trump pulls the most support from independents, garnering 36% of their support.

Under such a scenario, Biden receives 30%, while Kennedy takes 17%.

Swing states lean Trump

The Biden camp was likely already reeling from other recent poll numbers suggesting that president is trailing Trump in critical swing states that proved pivotal in 2020.

A New York Times/Siena College survey just revealed that Trump is running ahead of Biden in the crucial battlegrounds of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, and Arizona.

Indicating that the aforementioned poll was not an outlier, a recent Emerson College study found Trump to be leading Biden in Nevada, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia, and determined the race between the two in Wisconsin to currently sit at a tie.

State of denial

In the face of these seemingly dire figures, however, Biden conveyed a distinct lack of concern, even when asked by reporters to comment on the news.

Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy asked Biden, “Why do you think it is that you're trailing Trump in all these swing-state polls?”

“Because you don't read the polls – there are 10 poll – eight of them I'm beating him in,” Biden insisted, and when asked if he simply does not believe that he is losing in the key states mentioned above, he said simply, “No, I do not.”

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