May 18, 2024

Poll Shows Trump Beats Biden in Nevada

President Joe Biden is likely sweating over the latest poll results.

Trump is THUMPING Joe Biden in Nevada!

According to a new poll, Trump is leading Biden by TWELVE points!

According to the results, if a presidential election between Trump and Biden were to occur in Nevada right now, Trump would receive 50% of the votes while Biden would only receive 38%.

Not everyone, however, agrees with the results of the latest poll.

One of those people is Geoff Garin.

Garin, a pollster and a Democratic insider, has spoken out against the poll in a recent statement he gave to the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

“These results need to be weighed against the 30-plus polls that show Biden up and gaining — which is exactly why drawing broad conclusions about the race based on results from one poll is a mistake. The reality is that many voters are not paying close attention to the election and have not started making up their minds — a dynamic also reflected in today’s poll,” Garin said.

If that were true, Garin, why would anyone collect the data in the first place?

Garin could not be more off base when it comes to this statement.

In fact, Garin’s statement completely contradicts his thinking.

Do the results of this ONE poll need to be weighed against the “30-plus polls that show Biden up and gaining” OR are we supposed to believe that “many voters are not paying close enough attention to the election and have not started making up their minds?”

And, if Garin is right about voters simply making up their minds, how can he predict what they will decide? Is he a mind reader?

This is proof that Garin is living in complete denial, like a lot of Joe Biden’s supporters!

Is Joe Biden’s all-time-low approval rating also up for debate?

Joe Biden is becoming less and less desirable of an option every single day.

If there is one thing that most Americans can collectively agree on lately, it is that we are not interested in Biden being chosen for a second term.

The majority of the Americans interested in securing a second term for Joe Biden are members of the BIDEN administration.

To read more about the details of this story, please feel free to click on the original source here.

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