May 22, 2024

Poll Reveals Top TV Choice by Voters

If you guys read our reports regularly, you already know I have been campaigning for Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) to be Trump’s VP ever since he dropped out of the race.

I do like Scott, but my decision was based on the numbers that I had seen in polling.

Well, a new poll specifically asking voters about their choice for VP has been released, and what do you know… Tim Scott led the pack and it was not even close.

Easy Choice

Throughout the primary, I have been watching polling and the numbers for Trump with minorities if he has a minority VP go through the roof.

If we look at Biden’s numbers, Biden is bleeding black voters, so it would just make sense for Trump to pick the best possible black VP candidate, and that is by far, Tim Scott. In all honestly, of the lot, Scott would be my choice regardless, so this really cements him as my pick.

Scott is a moderate, has a calming voice, and is immensely popular across all fronts in the GOP.

Furthermore, if we are going to diversify the party and draw in more minorities, who better to spread that message than Tim Scott?

To that point, in the most recent polling, Scott led the pack, with an additional 25% of black voters saying they would pull the handle for Trump if he was on the ticket.

Not only that, but Scott's overall +/- numbers put him above the rest.

Scott polled at +6, while every other candidate was either even or underwater.

As I suspected, Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) was the worst of them all, coming in at -11.

Governor Kristi Noem was at -7, with Governor Doug Burgum, the man many believe that Trump is going to pick, coming in at -6.

Tulsi Gabbard, who should not even be considered for this position, was at -1, while Senator Rubio (R-FL) and Ramaswamy were even.

This confirms everything that I have been saying for months… Tim Scott is Trump's no-brainer choice for vice president, and no other candidate makes an ounce of sense.

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