October 30, 2023

Poll: Biden's approval rating within party dips to lowest point of presidential tenure

The seemingly catastrophic news for President Joe Biden's reelection hopes continues to emerge, with a new Gallup poll revealing that the commander in chief's approval rating within his own party is now at its lowest point of his entire tenure in office, as the Daily Caller reports.

Making matters worse for Biden is the fact that the dire survey results came just as Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) was announcing a challenge for the Democratic presidential nomination, citing his belief that the incumbent is incapable of mustering the level of support needed to defeat his likely opponent, former President Donald Trump, next November.

Inside the poll numbers

Biden supporters will be hard-pressed to find much to celebrate in the Gallup survey, which put the president's overall job approval rating at 37%, a figure which represents a 4-point decline from one month ago, as The Hill notes.

In terms of the all-important independent voter contingent, Biden garnered an approval rating of just 35%, which also marked a 4% drop from September's poll.

Perhaps most discouraging for the Biden camp, however, was Gallup's finding that 75% of Democrat participants in the survey indicated their approval of the president's job performance, which is a staggering 11-point loss from last month's tally.

Unsurprisingly, Republicans' assessment of Biden did not shift, with just 5% of respondents in that category signaling their approval of the president.

No “crisis bump”

As Steven Hayward of Powerline observed, it is often the case that presidents receive an approval bump during a time of global crisis, such as the one that has emerged in the wake of the Oct.7 attacks on Israel.

However, even though Biden traveled to the Middle East to engage in high-profile meetings with Israeli leaders and delivered a rare Oval Office address -- something which would ordinarily help bolster a president's bona fides as a statesman -- no such boost in approval has materialized.

Hayward opines that it is significant indeed that “much of Biden's decline has occurred among Democrats” and notes that “Gallup's explanation is significant, because it attributes the decline to something other than Biden's age, which is often cited as the primary driver of falling support among the electorate.

Gallup's analysis explained, “Biden's immediate and decisive show of support for Israel following the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas appears to have turned off some in his own party...” and further emphasized that “[e]arlier this year, Gallup found that for the first time in the U.S., Democrats' sympathies for the Palestinians outpaced those for the Israelis.”

Perfect storm brewing?

The renowned polling firm also noted that the conflict in Israel “comes at a time when Americans remain pessimistic about the economy, the Biden administration is struggling to deal with increasing numbers of migrants attempting to enter the country, and debate continues about how much aid to provide Ukraine in its war with Russia,” making for a potentially devastating combination of factors that could hinder the president's case for reelection.

With a recent Emerson College poll showing Trump ahead of Biden by two points nationally and a Bloomberg/Morning Consult survey showing the likely Republican nominee ahead of the president in seven critical swing states, it is no wonder that Democrat insiders such as James Carville, Phillips, and others are sounding the alarm about the party's chances in 2024 and saying out loud what many more on their side of the aisle are surely thinking.

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