December 28, 2023

POLL: Americans Growing Sour on Primary Election Process

A recent poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research does not paint a very positive picture in terms of how American voters are perceiving our elections.

Only a third of Republicans have a “great deal” or “quite a bit” of confidence that votes will be accurate.

Another third have “only a little” or “none at all.”

Trying Times

The 2020 election surely took a toll on how Americans perceive the integrity of our elections.

This is about far more than Donald Trump protesting the outcome of the election. At every turn, we heard there was “some fraud,” but not enough to “change the overall outcome of the election.”

If you are like me, you are wondering how even some fraud in an election is okay simply because it does not change the outcome.

While I don’t believe there is enough fraud to change a presidential election, we have seen what even a minimal amount of fraud can do in local elections, where oftentimes even a dozen votes can change the winner.

Between the admitted problems in elections and Donald Trump’s never being willing to admit he lost, his supporters make up a large contingent of the Republicans who believe elections are now rigged in this country.

For instance, Trump supporter Julie Duggan in Chicago stated, “Nothing will be fair because the last election was rigged. I don't trust any of them at this point.”

Trump has continued to pound this narrative, already laying the groundwork for a possible loss in telling supporters that the only way he will lose this time is if the election is rigged, and all you have to do is look at the polls to see how far ahead he is.

For example, last Friday, Trump was interviewed by radio host Hugh Hewitt, and he was asked if he would peacefully transfer power at the end of his term if he wins this election.

Trump responded, “I did that this time. And I’ll tell you what, the election was rigged and we have plenty of evidence of it, but I did it anyway.

“The other question you should ask is you should ask the other side will you cheat on the elections, because the only way we’re going to lose is if they cheat on the elections.”

We can send people into outer space, but for some reason we cannot figure out how to run a completely flawless election in this country.

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