December 18, 2023

Police Now Investigating Salacious Video of Former Dem Senate Staffer

This weekend, conservatives and liberals alike were appalled over a salacious video that surfaced with a staffer of a Democrat Senator in the Senate chambers.

The tape shows a sexual encounter allegedly between Aidan Maese-Czeropski, a former staffer for Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD), and an anonymous male partner.

Maese-Czeropski has since been fired, but this has really stirred the pot in Congress.

He’s Gone

After the tape became public, Cardin’s office stated, “Aidan Maese-Czeropski is no longer employed by the U.S. Senate. We will have no further comment on this personnel matter.”

Maese-Czeropski has since tried to flip this as a homophobic attack, stating, “This has been a difficult time for me, as I have been attacked for who I love to pursue a political agenda.

“I love my job and would never disrespect my workplace.”

Even former Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) shut that narrative down rather quickly, explaining that people were upset over the encounter taking place in the Senate, and it had nothing to do with him being gay. I can say pretty confidently that the same reaction would have taken place for anyone, straight or gay, being caught making a video like that in the Senate chambers.

Ironically, Democrats threw a fit when Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene presented pictures in a committee hearing of Hunter Biden’s salacious activities that were found on his laptop, but now they are all sitting on their hands with this video going viral.

Losing his job may not be the only problem that Maese-Czeropski has right now, as he could face charges for trespassing.

He could be found in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1752, which covers anyone who “knowingly enters or remains in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority to do so.”

To make matters worse for Democrats, Maese-Czeropski has been featured in an ad for Joe Biden’s presidential campaign in November 2020. You better believe that Republican strategists are going to be snipping that ad with the latest video to attack Democrats and Joe Biden during this upcoming election cycle.

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