February 28, 2024

Police Investigating Taylor Swift’s Father for Alleged Assault

It would appear that the man who is affectionately known as Papa Swift may have some legal problems in the future.

Papa Swift apparently got a little upset when photographers got a little too close to his billionaire baby.

A photographer claimed that during the incident, Papa Swift punched him in the face, and now the incident is under investigation.

Rock ‘em, Sock ‘em Swifties

Swift just wrapped up the Australian leg of her tour, now headed to Singapore, but not before some drama.

The paparazzi were waiting for Swift after she departed a superyacht that she had hitched a ride on after her show.

After she and her entourage departed the boat and were walking up the wharf, the cameras started to flash.

Swift could be seen next to her father, with an umbrella blocking the full view of Swift.

There was a video recording, but just as Swift came into contact with the photographers, the video camera seemed to have fallen.

Words could be heard being exchanged, but it was hard to make them out, which is when the scuffle allegedly took place.

Photographer Ben McDonald explained his side, stating, "He punched me in the chops.

"It was a shock. That's never happened to me in 26 years.”

"I didn't know who he was," then he continued that he thought maybe it was someone in the entourage who was trying to impress Taylor.

He continued, "But I looked at photos and saw him holding hands with Taylor, and it was her dad.”

Swift’s team has told a bit of a different version, stating that McDonald had threatened to throw a female staffer into the water, but from the pictures and video, the only female in sight was Taylor.

Now, local police have stated they are investigating the incident.

Was this a scheme to try to get a settlement out of Taylor or did something nefarious actually take place?

I am sure we will find out soon enough if Taylor writes a big check and this story suddenly goes away.

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