January 20, 2024

Internet Erupts Over Unfortunate Signage At Jill Biden Speech

First lady Jill Biden has been caught on camera proving just how unaware she truly is. She recently made an appearance to deliver a speech about the importance of teachers at a Utah high school.

During her speech, viewers could not believe the irony they were witnessing. A sign directly below the first lady revealed that Jill Biden was speaking at a school known as Hunter High.

Hunter High.

Are you kidding me?

Social media took the low-hanging fruit and ran with it.

Countless comments about Jill Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and his longtime struggle with drug addiction flooded the internet.

Jill Biden has already spoken at length to MSNBC regarding her concern about what she described as Republican attacks on Hunter.

"I think what they are doing to Hunter is cruel. And I'm really proud of how Hunter has rebuilt his life after addiction," said Jill Biden.

"I love my son and it's had — it's hurt my grandchildren and that's what I'm so concerned about, that it's affecting their lives as well," she continued.

If Jill Biden was truly concerned about the criticism her addict son is facing, you would think the first lady would put more thought into the decision to speak at Hunter High.

In fact, many are wondering how, exactly, Jill Biden's appearance at a place called Hunter High even came to be.

Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist posted on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, saying that “An award should be given to the White House advance staffer who organized an event for Jill Biden with signs such as these."

Strategic communications pro, William J. Smith, says he is someone who has participated in a “lot of ‘advance’ work in politics” and wonders “who screwed up.”

Could this have been an intentional choice, or do you think this was a simple oversight on the part of Biden’s team?

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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