January 23, 2024

Phillips says Biden primary challenge is 'resisting the delusional DNC'

Dean Phillips told Fox Digital on Tuesday that he is "resisting the delusional DNC" by running against "unelectable" President Joe Biden in the 2024 Democrat primary.

Phillips has focused a lot of his energy and resources on New Hampshire, where President Joe Biden's name will not appear on the ballot.

Biden and the DNC tried to change the primary schedule to South Carolina as the first primary, since that state helped solidify Biden as the nominee in 2020.

But New Hampshire law states it had to have the first primary date after the Iowa caucuses, so it kept its date and left Biden's name off the ballot.

A write-in campaign

Now, New Hampshire Democrats are reduced to writing in Biden's name because Biden's team didn't file to get on the ballot in a temper tantrum that may end up costing him.

It's not a good look for an incumbent already struggling in the polls, and Phillips hopes to capitalize on the weakness.

He has spent $5 million of his own money already in the contest, and he has to know that his chances are unlikely.

He said it was a lot more than he expected, and that he thinks his ads have inspired more grass roots donors to come forward.

Looking for weakness

He said that if he gets into the 20s against Biden in New Hampshire, it would signal weakness in the incumbent.

That is a lowering of expectations from a few weeks ago, but fits with a statement from former challenger Andrew Yang that if Biden doesn't get at least 80% he's in big trouble.

Currently, Phillips is polling around 10% in New Hampshire, though, so it doesn't look likely that he'll meet his goal.

Another Democrat candidate, spiritualist MaryAnne Williamson, is polling at 9% in the race, so Biden may not make 80% if the polls are off by a few percentage points not in Biden's favor.

Dirty tricks

Clearly, Biden is in trouble since polling of a contest between him and former President Donald Trump shows Trump ahead nationally and in most of the key swing states.

We can't forget, however, that the Democrats undoubtedly have many dirty tricks up their sleeves to use against Trump as the election gets closer.

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