March 8, 2024

Pelosi Upset About Biden’s Response to Laken Riley Heckling

How screwed up are Democrat priorities?

We need to look no further than Nancy Pelosi’s response to Joe Biden's discussion of Laken Riley’s murder during the State of the Union (SOTU) speech.

Pelosi was not upset about the murder itself, just that Joe Biden called the alleged murderer an “illegal.”

Priorities Matter

On February 22, Jose Antonio Ibarra allegedly kidnapped, beat, and murdered Laken Riley, 22, while she was out for a run.

Ibarra, as it turns out, is an illegal immigrant from Venezuela, with a prior record.

Since she was murdered, Joe Biden has failed to say her name, and he has pretty much avoided the subject as much as possible.

He did not have that option at the SOTU because Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) got in his face about it when he walked into the room as well as heckling him during the speech.

Biden eventually addressed the issue, saying that she had been killed by an “illegal,” then he mispronounced her name, calling her “Lincoln” Riley, while holding up a button that Greene gave to Biden on his way into the speech.

Biden also offered his condolences to her parents, saying that he understood how they felt having lost children himself, something Biden always does to try to draw empathy.

Pelosi then did the media circuit after the speech, and this is what upset her…

Maybe she should have been more upset over the fact Biden did not even know the girl’s name.

Or maybe that her murder could have been prevented had Biden locked down our borders.

No, she was more upset about Ibarra being publicly called an “illegal” instead of an undocumented.

Perhaps she would prefer the White House’s new label, “newcomers.”

I prefer criminals since they broke our laws to enter this country in the first place.

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