February 23, 2024

Pelosi Slams Israel, Says She Protects Palestinians from FBI

The politics in this country regarding the Israel-Hamas war are getting crazy… correction, they already are crazy.

When you have members of Congress attacking Israel and defending Palestine and Hamas, well, you know we made a wrong turn.

Then to have someone with the influence of Speaker Emeritus Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) talking about protecting Palestinians and slamming Prime Minister Netanyahu, well, it is time to push back.

The Great Protector

Pelosi may be just as big a liar as Joe Biden, and we need only listen to a recent interview as proof of that.

Pelosi stated that she is fed up with Netanyahu, saying that she “had it with Netanyahu years ago, I mean, really, not trying to make peace or anything all along.”

She then claimed that the FBI is targeting Palestinians in her district.

She stated, “You know, I have a lot of Palestinians in my district, and I’ve protected them from the FBI going to Arabic bookstores, I’ve protected them after 9/11 to bring them together, we all were in the streets against the Muslim ban.”

Here is that segment of the interview…

First, that is yet another fine example of why we need mandatory age requirements and term limits in Congress.

Second, show me the proof of the FBI going after people for going to a bookstore.

Third, our country went to war after 9/11 and stayed in a state of war for decades after a terrorist attack, yet Democrats continue to pitch the idea that Israel needs to call a cease-fire to protect the people of Palestine.

So, let me ask this question… if you allow a terrorist organization to exist within your borders, as well as put the organization in power over the people of the Gaza Strip, are you not a terrorist-supporting nation?

If Palestine really wanted peace with Israel, it would have joined Israel in this fight to rid Hamas from Palestine once and for all.

Palestine did the complete opposite, yet there is a very influential Democrat, arguing in favor of Palestine while dumping all over the prime minister of our top ally in the Middle East.

There is something very wrong with today’s Democrat Party… the party of Americans and America last.

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