January 5, 2024

Pelosi Revives Narrative J6 Was ‘Assault’ on Personal Freedoms

Well, we all knew this was going to start, but I at least thought they would wait until after the primary race was over.

That, however, was a pipe dream, as one of Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) first interviews of the new year revived the old “threat to democracy” narrative, only with a new twist.

Pelosi is now demanding that Donald Trump be held accountable for the assault on our “personal freedoms” for his role in the January 6 rioting.

Dust it Off

From what I have read, Joe Biden will focus on the events of January 6 during his campaign against Donald Trump, which is why Democrats have been lying low on this front.

While they fire off the occasional attack, for the most part, they have let Trump be while his legal problems play out.

That just changed, with Pelosi firing the first shot.

She was asked about Biden focusing on the January 6 riot during his re-election campaign, Pelosi stated, “I think it’s very important, but I think it also recognizes that democracy is a personal issue. Freedom to whether it is to have access to health care, when, if, and how to expand your family, freedom to be in the workplace in a very strong way because you have health care and you have child care.

“So we have to relate democracy to the kitchen table, to our people’s personal lives. And that’s what I have been doing during this break is we don’t agonize, we organize. What’s his name who is running for president says Obamacare sucks. We say no to the Affordable Care Act cures.”

She continued, “So all of these things are related. What happened on January 6 was a manifestation of an assault on the personal freedoms that we have because it assaulted the Congress, the Capitol, the Constitution of the United States.”

Pelosi was also asked about the different states trying to remove Trump from the ballot, and she responded, “That’s a matter that the states will have to deal with. Martyrdom is his thing. He cannot be absolved from his accountability on all of this. No one is above the law neither is he.”

I cannot help but laugh at that last line, as Democrats have said nothing about Hunter Biden looking for loopholes, nor have they said anything about the evidence against Joe Biden selling access to his office while vice president.

The hypocrisy cup runneth over on that front, and it always will. They tell us no one is above the law in one breath, then defend the obvious corruption in the Biden family in the other.

Like I said, it is the same old story, and if Trump wins the nomination, then wins the election, it will be the same story that we have to live through until inauguration day in 2029.

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