December 8, 2023

Pelosi Falls Back on Democracy at Stake for 2024 Election

Fearmongering and gaslighting… that is what Democrats do best, and there is none better at this than former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

With Donald Trump the current favorite to win the nomination, Pelosi is reverting back to the 2016 and 2020 strategies to scare voters away from him.

Pelosi, like the media and many other Democrats, is saying that our democracy is at risk if Trump wins.


Pelosi was on MSNBC’s “The Last Word” when she was asked, “What are the stakes for the world when they hear Donald Trump say he would be a dictator on day one, if he is elected president again, and what do dictators like Vladimir Putin here in that statement?”

Pelosi responded, “They hear a comrade in arms, but the fact is, he is not going to win. Nothing less is at stake in this election than our democracy, and that democracy means your freedom to have access to health insurance, your own decision-making about your family’s size and timing, and the rest, your freedom to have education, read books that aren’t banned, your ability to be who you want to be in this country.

“So democracy is a value, a principle, but it is also translating into your kitchen table about the freedom that you have to make your choices about how your family goes forward.”

She later added, “He is trying to crawl back into the White House, but we cannot let that happen.

“I say that with all due respect in the world for the people who may have voted for the former president but they have to make a decision, think about our democracy, our flag, our Constitution, the future of our children in a democratic state that is a model to the world.”

They said it about Trump in 2016, and the last time I checked, our democratic republic thrived under his administration.

The new angle Democrats are working on is that Trump will become a dictator if elected, which is impossible.

Criticize Trump all you want, but there is no way even his most loyal members of Congress would allow a dictatorship, and you better believe our military leaders would not permit that to happen.

I can also tell you that this is the new rallying cry of the Democrat Party and they would be saying this about any Republican who is on the ticket, be it Trump, DeSantis, Haley, or anyone else that would win the nomination.

It is completely bogus, but they keep using it because the liberal horde eats up. They take that line and regurgitate it online and in public when they get into a debate.

The funny thing is that Democrats accuse conservatives of being in a cult, but it is their voters who memorize and regurgitate their talking points verbatim without a single solitary thought of their own.

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