March 1, 2024

Pelosi Calls for Global Resistance to Trump Presidency

Here we go again…

The Democrat Party and its leadership are once again digging in the well for the infamous, “Donald Trump is a threat to democracy in this country” narrative.

Leading the charge, as usual, is Speaker Emeritus Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

Doomsday Defense

I do not know what is more pathetic… the fact that people are pitching this narrative for the third time in as many elections or that people actually believe this garbage.

I just listened to a Rachel Maddow segment where she stated that if the Supreme Court decides to give Trump presidential immunity, and Trump gets elected, he will never leave office and be president until he dies.

Let me say this very clearly… that will NEVER happen in this country, period, end of discussion, yet liberals are buying into it.

That leads us to comments by Pelosi, who again is crying that the sky is falling.

Pelosi’s latest comments about Trump concern Trump saying that if countries in NATO did not pay their fair share, Trump would encourage Russia to do whatever it wanted to them.

Pelosi called Trump “grotesque,” as well as calling out Republicans for adding to his narrative, not pushing back against it.

She stated, “You wonder, where did the Republicans go? It’s a great party, accomplished good things for our country. It turned into a cult; it turned into a cult of personality. Somebody — just an unworthy person in terms of our country.”

She also commented on global concerns about Trump, telling Europeans, “Just because he says things and people say, ‘Oh, he could win,’ or this or that. Don’t agonize, organize. That’s what we say ourselves when we have to win the election.”

We heard the same stuff in 2016, and what do you know, our democratic republic somehow managed to survive the Trump presidency intact.

These attacks are ludicrous, but it is more unbelievable that tens of millions of people buy into this narrative, which is why Democrats continue to use it in election years.

Trump knew this would be a line of attack by Democrats, so let’s just hope his campaign is ready to defend against it.

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