March 1, 2024

Paxton May Primary Cornyn for His Senate Seat in Texas

We may soon find out who has a bigger grip on the Republican Party.

Is it Donald Trump and MAGA or Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and the establishment?

However, for that to happen, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton will have to deliver on his threat to primary Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), who has thrown his hat into the ring for Senate leadership.

Power Struggle

When McConnell announced that he was stepping down, most of us celebrated that he was finally gone.

He was one-third of the GOP leadership trifecta that I have been railing against for years, and he was the final piece that was still in place from the last three disastrous elections.

Kevin McCarthy was ousted, Ronna McDaniel just stepped down, and now McConnell.

So, now we need to replace them with people who get the new direction of the party, and rest assured, that is not John Cornyn.

Cornyn was McConnell’s right hand in the Senate for years, helping him get legislation passed that virtually every other Republican pushed back against.

So, Attorney General Ken Paxton, a full-fledged MAGA member, has teased that he may primary Cornyn, which would delight Donald Trump to no end.

Then Cornyn and Paxton traded shots on X…

Paxton then posted a poll on X, adding, “John Cornyn has waved the white flag on election integrity, border security, protecting the 2nd amendment, and everything else constitutional conservatives care about.

“Do you think he's conservative enough to lead Republicans in the Senate?”

A whopping 96.2% voted that Cornyn was not the man for the job, but keep in mind that most of Paxton’s followers hate McConnell and love Trump, so that result was fairly predictable.

Paxton has not confirmed that he will be running yet, and I would assume that is because he will want to discuss this with Trump and Governor Abbott before making such a move.

I am not the biggest fan of Paxton because of all the baggage that comes with him, but if it means getting rid of Cornyn, I think I could live with him in the Senate for a term.

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