December 8, 2023

Pause of Dissolution of Trump Organization Upheld

Donald Trump got some amazing news this week regarding the fraud trial in New York.

If you recall, at the outset of the trial, Judge Engoron had issued a partial summary judgment for the dissolution of the Trump Organization.

The appellate court has now ruled that the order must be halted until this trial is completed.

Read Between the Lines

The initial order by Engoron was appealed, and it was temporarily halted.

The order, however, turned a lot of heads because it showed that Engoron had already made up his mind in the case.

It appeared that the trial was nothing more than a formality, and Engoron’s actions since have done nothing to dispel that belief.

On Thursday, the temporary order that was issued in October was affirmed, so nothing can happen until after this trial has been completed, and even then, it will probably have to wait until after the appeals process is done.

When the decision came down, Trump stated, "The appellate division, New York State, just gave us a very good ruling. Appreciate it. I think the country appreciates it.

"Businesses are watching this case. No business will move back into New York. No business will, frankly, stay in New York. A lot of businesses are talking about leaving New York."

This is very good news for Trump in terms of his appeal, as it is a sign that after Engoron rules against Trump, which is almost a given, the court will halt the dissolution until the appeals process plays out.

From day one, I have stated that I thought Trump would lose this case and win on appeal, and I continue to stand by that belief.

This trial should be completed in about a week, and I doubt it will take long at all for Engoron to make his ruling, which is when the real fun starts.

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