February 2, 2024

One of Trump’s Biggest Critics Ready to Pull the Handle for Him

Hell must have just frozen over because Michael Rappaport, one of Trump’s biggest haters in Hollywood, has apparently seen the light.

Rappaport recently announced that voting for Trump is “on the table."

It would appear that Biden pressing Israel to have a cease-fire with Hamas was the breaking point.

Meltdown Man

I cannot even tell you how many videos I have watched over the last few years of Rappaport having a complete meltdown on X over Donald Trump and something he said or did.

Rappaport is now so upset over Biden’s pressure on Israel, that he is now considering voting for Trump.

He announced it on X, but not in a nice way…

This is now actually the second time that Rappaport has suggested the idea of voting for Trump, also telling his followers on YouTube that he may be ready to break their hearts.

There is one thing that I am certain of, and that is if Donald Trump was still president, he would have thrown the full weight of the United States behind Israel with no restrictions.

Trump would have sent Israel all the weapons needed to defend itself and end Hamas once and for all.

As you saw in that post on Sanders that Rappaport reposted, Biden is bleeding young voters over Israel and student loan debt, offering Trump a huge opportunity to draw them to the GOP.

Sadly, instead of taking advantage of it, Trump’s campaign is just upsetting that apple cart by launching attacks against Taylor Swift, promoting the utterly ridiculous idea that she is part of some Pentagon psyop to rig the election.

I cannot even begin to describe the opportunity that Republicans have to just crush this upcoming election, but they cannot seem to get out of their own way on this front.

If the GOP had a clue what it was doing, this election would be a romp, but instead, we are facing another 2020 and 2022 disappointment.

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