December 1, 2023

On Eve of Expulsion, Santos Introduces Resolution to Expel Squad Member Bowman

Thursday would be the last day that Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) was a member of Congress.

Come Friday, the vote to remove him was going to hit the floor and it would be successful, making him only the sixth member of Congress to be expelled.

In typical fashion, he decided to go out with a bang, introducing a resolution to expel Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) from Congress.

Tit for Tat

Everyone reading this more than likely already knows my feelings about Santos.

I have taken the stance from the beginning and it has nothing to do with the 23 federal charges he is now facing.

Santos lied to voters by presenting a false resume, a resume that got him elected, and in my eyes, that is more than enough to expel him.

Serving in Congress is a privilege, not a right, and he lost that privilege when he deceived voters.

Having said that, he is 100 percent right about Bowman.

Santos stated, “He took a plea deal for pulling a fire alarm, a fire alarm which obstructed and delayed an official hearing and proceeding on the House floor.

“Now had that been any other person, had it been one of the members of the media, had it been a Republican member of Congress, we all know that person would have been charged with obstructing a congressional hearing, just like the 140 people sitting in prison right now because of January 6. But Jamaal Bowman gets a pass.”

After Bowman made his plea deal and Capitol Police apparently came to the conclusion it was an accident, more detailed video was released of the actions of Bowman.

He blatantly removed signage from doors, pulled the fire alarm, and then ran out of the area. Point being, this was purposeful and not the accident he claimed it to be.

Congress has turned into a gathering of undisciplined children and it sickens me to think that these people are responsible for legislating this country.

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