November 4, 2023

Obama Working For Months To Shape White House AI Approach

In case you thought that former President Barack Obama was gone for good, you've got another thing coming.

Barry is ABACK.

Or maybe he just never left.

One would have to admit that Obama's influence has still been strong since he left office. At the very least, Joe Biden would never be in the spot he's in if he wasn't allowed to ride Obama's smooth-talking coattails to the White House back in 2008.

But for the people who hoped that Barack Obama was done shaping this country to match his own vision?

I have some very disappointing news for you.

Not only is Obama going to be involved in determining how AI is implemented in America, but he's also apparently been a part of the decision-making process on this issue for quite some time.

Both Obama's office and the White House confirmed that "former President Barack Obama has been working behind the scenes to shape the White House's approach to artificial intelligence for months."

Great...more of Barack's ideas and visions ruining this country.

Remember Obamacare, when he promised all of us that we could keep our existing plans if we liked them, and then all of our prices went up?

The fact that Obama ever even picked Joe Biden to be his running mate in the first place should have been enough of a clue to indicate that he did NOT have America's best interests in mind.

If he wasn't trying to do what was best for America back then, why would he have changed by now, when there's no pressure to impress people in order to win the next election?

Obama arguably started the wave of current liberalism that we see in America today. We need way LESS Obama, not more.

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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