October 11, 2024

Obama Tries to Shame Black Male Voters to Pull Handle for Kamala Harris

Barack Obama is playing race politics again.

I can flat-out tell you that if Donald Trump made a speech anywhere close to what Obama just made, he would be run out of the election by the media.

But he’s Obama, the golden child, so it’s okay.


I despise racial politics, and I have maintained for quite some time that the Democrat Party needs racism to thrive because it thrives on chaos.

The other thing the Democrat Party is very good at is shaming people of color to “do the right thing” to support “their people.”

Now, listen to this speech by Obama, then we are going to break it down…

Kamala Harris and Democrats as a whole are losing minority voters hand over fist.

They still have the majority, but many minority voters, especially black men, are starting to seriously ask what Democrats have done for them.

I can tell you flat out that the minorities I know, many of them veterans, are all voting for Trump because they are sick of the bait and switch.

I would consider their political views as moderate, even leaning liberal, but they are tired of Democrats using them to win elections and not delivering on their promises.

Let me also say that just because you share the same color of skin does not mean you share the same background or experiences.

This also shows that Democrats are panicking right now. They have not only called in the big dogs, but they have Obama blacksplaining to black men that if they want to still be considered black men, they cannot have a mind of their own and that they need to vote for Harris.

I am obviously not a black man, but I can tell you this… my friends that are, are offended as hell at this notion.

And that, my friends, is why minority voters are leaving the Democrat Party.

You want to win a group over, you talk policy, not identity.

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