June 25, 2024

Obama Taking More Prominent Role in Biden’s Campaign

Polling leading up to the verdict in the Trump case showed that if Trump was found guilty, he would lose about 30% of his support.

The verdict was not going to impact diehard Trump supporters, nor would it impact most Democrats.

But in the moderate and independent voter demographic, Trump got hit hard, but not hard enough to push Biden over the top in battleground states.

Put Biden on His Back

Right now, even though Trump did take a hit in most battleground states, he is still leading Biden except for Michigan and Virginia, and they are virtually tied in Wisconsin.

Assuming that momentum levels off now that we are past the verdict, this election is still Trump’s to lose, and that is terrifying to Democrats.

To that point, Obama is apparently getting very concerned and now he is reportedly taking a much bigger role in Biden’s campaign and actively working with his team on an almost daily basis.

Reports surfaced this week that Biden is in regular communication with O’Malley Dillon, Biden’s campaign chair, and Anita Dunn, a Biden aide who worked with Obama.

The report stated, “Obama has always acknowledged to friends and worried supporters in search of reassurance that the race is likely to be a nail-biter.

“Yet he has remained careful about not evincing any specific concern or complacency about the campaign, aware that reports about his feelings are unlikely to help the Democratic cause.”

Make no mistake about it, Dems are panicking right now, which is why Biden has been hiding out since last week to prepare for this debate.

This is literally the election for both candidates, with there being far more desperation in the Biden camp.

Remember, most of the votes that Trump lost were due to the verdict, so if that verdict gets overturned, we will see some sweeping changes in polling that will dramatically shift things back to Trump.

And that, my friends, is why Obama is going to be all over the place campaigning for Biden and influencing his campaign strategy.

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