May 6, 2024

Noem Suggests Biden Dog Should Be Put Down

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem continues to dig herself a deeper hold regarding the story in her book about killing her dog, Cricket.

As we all know, the Biden dogs went a little haywire in the White House, reportedly attacking several Secret Service agents.

To that point, Noem is now suggesting that Biden’s dog should have been put down.

Cover Fire

Noem has been all over the media trying to fix this, but she continues to double down on the idea that there was no other recourse than to kill her dog.

And believe me, I understand that there are times when a dog must be put down, but I don’t believe either of these situations called for that.

Noem claimed her dog was aggressive and untrainable, and I refuse to believe that can be established with a 14-month-old dog.

I guarantee you there are hundreds of shelters and rescues that would have been more than happy to take the dog to see if they could properly train it to be less aggressive.

In the case of Biden’s dogs, I firmly believe this was a human failure, not a dog failure.

Animals that are not used to a busy environment will often get aggressive to defend their territory and/or their owners.

This appears to be what happened with the Biden dog, as Joe never really put the right time or effort in because he was looking more for a photo op than an actual family pet.

When Noem was asked if Biden’s dog should be put down, after noting that the dog had attacked multiple agents, she responded, “That's what the president should be accountable to.”

For non-pet-lovers, I know this is a non-story, but animal lovers are furious over this.

For all intents and purposes, Noem has killed her career.

She has gone from arguably the favorite to the first female GOP president, if not the first woman president, to someone who, once she leaves the governor’s mansion, will have no career ahead of her.

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