February 12, 2024

Nikki Haley Pushes Back Against Trump Comments

Donald and Melania Trump’s marriage is being talked about quite a bit these days because of how absent Melania has been from the campaign trail.

Melania refusing to allow Trump to ride with her during her mother’s funeral only stoked those fires.

So, Trump has fired back by openly asking where Nikki Haley’s husband has been, and now Haley is pushing back hard.

Where Are the Spouses

Melania has never been one to look for the limelight, even when she was a supermodel.

Melania has barely been seen in the same room as Trump in recent months, so the rumors have started to fly about their marriage.

Trump’s camp has denied there are any problems, insisting that Melania will be more present as we move forward.

Trump has tried to use this as an attack against Nikki Haley because her husband has not been on the campaign trail either.

Trump openly asked his supporters where her husband is, saying he is “gone.”

The problem, however, is that Haley’s husband is active in the military and he is now deployed.

Whoever advised Trump to take this path of attack is a complete moron and Haley pushed back on this very hard, stating, "We can't have someone who sits there and mocks our men and women who are trying to protect America. It's a pattern."

Haley said that after slamming Trump for his comments about NATO, claiming that Trump was putting all of our men and women in the military at risk for no reason other than to benefit his campaign.

Trump had commented about protecting nations that did not pay their fair share.

Trump claims a foreign leader asked him flat out if the United States would protect his nation if he had not paid NATO and was attacked by Russia.

Trump told the rally crowd, “I said, ‘You didn’t pay, no I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they wanted.’”

If that happened, it would, in essence, commit the United States to war or risk losing every ally we have on a global scale.

Haley pushed back, stating, "This is about what it says to every member who sacrifices for us. This is about what it says to every military family who sacrifices alongside of them."

Haley, who served as Trump’s Ambassador to the United States, added, "I've dealt with Russia every day. The last thing we ever want to do is side with Russia."

Haley has really been pushing the age issue on Trump after a few gaffes on the campaign trail, and she is not going to let up on this.

She has called for a cognizance test for all politicians over the age of 75, and stated she could care less if we wanted to extend that to anyone over 50, just that we need to prove to the American people that our politicians need to be “at the top of their game.”

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