February 9, 2024

Nikki Haley Claims Trump 'Rigged' Nevada Primary

Nikki Haley, a prominent contender for the GOP presidential nomination, made bold assertions during her appearance on "Fox News @ Night," confidently predicting that the United States is on the brink of electing its first female president.

She positioned herself as a leading candidate alongside Vice President Kamala Harris, framing the forthcoming decision as one between the two of them, with former President Donald Trump seemingly sidelined from contention in her assessment.

Haley used her platform to scrutinize Trump's leadership style, characterizing it as marked by chaos and inefficacy.

"This is about the fact that we are going to have a female President of the United States. It will either be me or it will be Kamala Harris. I voted for Trump twice. I was proud to serve in his administration, but chaos follows him. We can’t be a country in disarray in a world on fire and go through four more years of chaos. We won’t survive it," Haley said.

"And he can’t win a general election. That’s a fact. We lost in 2018. We lost in 2020. We lost in 2022. Look at what happened yesterday. He lost his case on immunity, and he’s got a year’s worth of court cases yet. The Republicans couldn’t get a border situation done.

"They couldn’t impeach Secretary [Alejandro] Mayorkas. They couldn’t pass a pro-Israel bill. The [Republican National Committee] is imploding. All of that has Trump’s fingerprints on it. Everything he touches is chaos, and we continue to lose. How many more times do we have to lose before we realize that is the problem?" she continued.

She cited recent legal setbacks and policy failures as indicative of the necessity for a leadership change, further bolstering her argument for a new direction in the Oval Office.

Moreover, Haley pointed to polling data purportedly showing Trump trailing behind President Biden in general election polls, while she claims to hold a significant advantage over the incumbent president.

Despite a recent setback in the Nevada primary, Haley displayed unwavering confidence in her campaign's momentum. She highlighted her impressive performance in previous contests and outlined a strategic roadmap for the future.

Committing herself to an intensive campaign effort, Haley pledged to target key battleground states such as South Carolina and Michigan, setting her sights firmly on Super Tuesday and beyond.

Despite acknowledging the challenges ahead, including what she characterized as a rigged primary process in Nevada, Haley remained resolute in her ambition to secure the GOP nomination and become the first female president of the United States despite remaining far behind Trump in the primary battle.

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