October 7, 2024

New Yorkers Want Adams to Resign Amid Fraud Scandal

That bright and shining star who was once touted to be the future of the Democrat Party is quickly fizzling out.

I am speaking of New York City Mayor Eric Adams.

When he first hit the scene, he was touted as a possible 2028 presidential candidate, and now they are trying to fit him for an orange jumpsuit.

Tough Times

Even conservatives were initially supportive of Adams when he took over NYC, a refreshing change after Mayor de Blasio.

A former police officer touting tough-on-crime policies, he was still a Democrat, but he gave us some hope.

Adams was in office for about an hour before we all realized he was just another hustler looking to cash in, but little did we realize he already allegedly had.

According to filings, Adams was taking foreign donations, pumping up his campaign totals, which then enabled him to receive more funds from the matching election funds program.

Adams was indicted, but says he is innocent and this is just Joe Biden weaponizing the DOJ against him, taking a page out of Donald Trump’s playbook.

Adams has refused to resign, but a recent poll says that is what New Yorkers would prefer to see.

The Marist New York City Poll found that 71% of Dems in the city want him gone, a staggering number.

Dr. Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, explained, “It’s hard to imagine how Mayor Adams could be faring any worse in the court of public opinion.

“Not only do New York City residents think he has done something illegal, but they think he should resign or have Governor Hochul start the process of removing him from office.”

Adams’ approval rating reflects this as well, down to a mere 26%, possibly the only politician on the planet with a lower approval rating than Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY), but hey, that never stopped McConnell from staying in office.

I don’t see Adams caving on this, however, as he would see that as an admission of guilt, and thus far, he has been completely defiant.

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