April 12, 2024

New York to Increase Security for Trump’s Trial

We still have some time before Donald Trump formally accepts the GOP nomination as the Republican candidate for the presidential election.

New York is not going to put anything to chance, however, with Donald Trump’s trial expected to start on Monday, April 15, with jury selection.

To that point, the city announced that it would increase security this week in anticipation of Trump’s trial and the huge crowds expected to gather outside the courtroom.

Protecting Trump

Unlike Donald Trump’s civil suits, he will not have the option of skipping his trial during the hush money case that starts on Monday.

As much as I am sure Democrats would love to see Trump disappear, the last thing they want to do is make him a martyr.

To that point, security will be significantly increased with Trump in New York City for the next two months for the trial.

We can expect to see plenty of Trump supporters and protesters at the court each day clashing, with there obviously being a threat of some idiot trying to take him out.

New York Police Department Assistant Chief John Hart, commanding officer of the NYPD’s Intelligence and Counterterrorism Division, commented on the additional security that will be added for Trump’s presence.

He stated, “Obviously, the threat picture is bigger.

“We had to set up a whole infrastructure around Trump Tower, which we will have to rebuild for this.

“We’re going to be looking at the threat picture on a constant basis. Social media scrubbing, just listening to people making calls or making threats online, all of those things.”

I look forward to seeing the complaints about all the security around Trump for the trial, whining about how taxpayers have to foot the costs for this while remaining silent about the same security provided to Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack and Michelle Obama when they travel.

You see, it is okay to waste taxpayer dollars for their caravans and security, but God forbid the same security is provided for the bad orange man.

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