February 15, 2024

New VP Favorite Tim Scott Joining Trump in South Carolina

My, oh my… how things have changed in just a few short weeks.

It was not even a month ago that Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) was an 18:1 underdog to be Trump’s vice president.

After appearing with Trump in several events and a big push from some surrogates, Tim Scott is now among the top three favorites, now sitting at 7:1, odds that will likely shrink lower after Scott campaigns in South Carolina with Trump.

All In

I had always pegged Scott to partner up with Governor DeSantis, but then again, I never thought DeSantis’ campaign would implode the way it had before Super Tuesday.

Scott was also in this race, but it is an easy argument to make that he entered the race far too early, without the national profile needed for a presidential campaign.

But this may have been a move for Scott to position himself as the number two on the presidential ticket for whoever won the nomination.

If that was his purpose, it looks like Scott may be successful.

Scott recently endorsed Trump. He has also been all over the media as a surrogate for Trump, and that will now include campaigning for Trump in South Carolina for the primary election.

Scott has been very humble about being a possible VP, fitting right in with his normal personality.

When asked about now being atop the short list of candidates, he stated, "The only thing I can tell you is that the one thing we need is four more years of President Donald Trump.

"We were better off under Trump. In order for us to be successful, the one thing I can't afford to do is take my eye off the ball. The eye on the ball means making sure that President Trump gets four more years."

I have been adamant since DeSantis left the race that if Trump wants to try to bring DeSantis' followers back into his camp and win over minority voters that Biden has lost, Scott is the man for the job.

For this particular election, there is also the issue of the VP possibly taking over, more so than at any other time in history.

To that point, I think Scott is head and shoulders above the other names being mentioned in terms of exuding confidence in being able to step in and do the job.

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