June 21, 2024

New poll could spell doom for Biden

A new poll spells bad news for President Joe Biden, as the 2024 presidential election draws ever nearer. 

This is because, according to Newsweek, the poll gives Biden his "worst ever" favorability rating in New York.

This is a big deal, of course, because, ordinarily, New York is a Democratic stronghold.

So, the idea is that if Biden is struggling in a Democratic stronghold, then, one would think, that he would be struggling even more in those states that are toss-ups, such as Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and others.

Here are the poll's results:

First, the poll was conducted by the Siena College Research Institute, during a period from June 12 to June 17, 2024. The pollster surveyed 805 "New York States Registered Voters." And, the results have a margin of error of plus or minus 4.1 percentage points.

Among the questions that participants were asked was this one: "Tell me whether you have a favorable opinion or an unfavorable opinion of . . . Joe Biden."

In response, 42% of participants chose "favorable," 53% chose "unfavorable," and 5% chose "don't know/no opinion."

"Lowest-ever favorability rating"

In a press release, Siena College noted that this was Biden's "worst-ever favorability rating."

"President Biden has a 42-53% favorability rating, down from 45-50% in May, his lowest-ever favorability rating. His job approval rating fell to 45-53%, down a little from 46-51% last month. Former President Trump has a 37-59% favorability rating, down from 39-56% in May. Currently, Biden leads Trump 47-39%, little changed from 47-38% in May, and 47-37% in April," Siena College reports.

It then quotes Steven Greenberg as saying:

While Biden maintains the support of three-quarters of Democrats, Trump has support from 85% of Republicans and leads Biden 45-28% with independents A gender gap has reopened as men support Trump 46-42% and women favor Biden 51-33%. White voters are evenly divided. And while Biden has a commanding lead with non-white voters, Trump garners support from 29% of Black and 26% of Latino voters.

Trump is gaining ground

The bottom line is that, while Biden's support in New York has remained about the same, Trump's has grown. And, it has grown despite the fact that he was found guilty in the so-called hush-money case.

Trump and his campaign have made it clear that they are trying to make inroads in New York this election season,

Trump, in January, said, "I believe we have a chance to win New York."

The poll's results would suggest that Trump's efforts are paying off. The question now is whether Trump will continue gaining ground as the election draws nearer.

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