October 11, 2023

New Details Emerge in Daniel Penny Case That Could Result in Dismissal

When Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg brought charges against Daniel Penny, it surprised no one.

Penny, if you recall, was the man who jumped in and put Jordan Neely in a chokehold on the New York Subway, which resulted in Neely dying.

New details are emerging in the case, which could result in Penny being a free man.

Witnesses Come Forward

When the incident happened, Democrats worked overtime to paint Neely as someone that was harmless.

If you recall, every post they made on the subject featured Neely when he was much younger, impersonating Michael Jackson.

They neglected to address his apparent mental illness issues, nor did they address the allegations made by the witnesses that had come forward at the time.

Court papers that have been released paint a much different picture than the one that Democrats had put forward.

One witness called Neely's behavior "sickening" and "satanic."

Another stated that Neely yelled, "Someone is going to die," just prior to Penny putting him into the chokehold.

Another woman testified that Neely stated, "I want to hurt people, I want to go to Rikers. I want to go to prison."

She stated that she shielded her son behind her stroller to protect him as Neely started to charge at passengers on the train.

Penny has been accused of keeping Neely in the chokehold too long, but Penny defended his actions, stating, "If [Neely] had carried out his threats, he would have killed somebody."

Penny's defense filed a motion to have the case tossed because although the coroner wrote that Neely died from compression of the neck, she failed to explain to the grand jury how Neely suffocated and died from the chokehold.

An expert witness for the defense, a Marine sergeant, explained that as a Marine, Penny had been trained to use a non-lethal chokehold, which he believed Penny used in that instance.

Penny never pushed Neely's head forward into the hold, a lethal move, that would have applied pressure to the arteries and suffocated him.

I believe Penny acted in self-defense and to protect others from the evidence I have seen, but Democrats do not see it that way, nor does the liberal horde.

You better believe that if this case gets tossed or Penny wins, the rioting that took place after George Floyd's death will look like a Sunday picnic in the park.

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