November 20, 2023

Netanyahu Opposes Biden on Future of Gaza

We are starting to see some cracks in the relationship between this administration and Israel.

Joe Biden continues to push the idea that the government of Gaza will be headed by the Palestinian Authority.

Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu, however, just pushed back on that idea on the premise that the PA turned over Gaza to Hamas in the first place.

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Biden, or more likely one of his staffers, published an op-ed in the Washington Post on Saturday.

Rather than address the nation or, God forbid, hold a press conference, this seems to be the way that Biden takes on controversial issues these days.

Biden is still pushing the two-state solution, which, by the way, has been rejected repeatedly by Palestine.

Biden wrote, “As we strive for peace, Gaza and the West Bank should be reunited under a single governance structure, ultimately under a revitalized Palestinian Authority, as we all work toward a two-state solution.”

Saturday night, Netanyahu pushed back, stating, “In Gaza, after the destruction of Hamas, and for a long time thereafter, there will not be a regime that encourages terror, that teaches terror, that funds terror — that also indoctrinates about the destruction of Israel and the murder of Jews — this will not be.”

Again, the PA installed Hamas as the ruling power in Gaza, so that is clearly what he meant.

If you go through the public monuments register in Palestine, you will see a significant number of them named in honor of noted terrorists and the same can be said for teaching materials.

All you need to do is watch interviews with Palestinians and follow leadership on social media and you will see they have as much disdain for Israel as Hamas does.

“From the river to the sea,” which is a Palestinian rallying cry, denotes the complete annihilation of all of Israel. And, as I noted above, Palestine has outright rejected a two-state solution numerous times.

That being the case, it is hard to push back against Netanyahu’s desire to have a different group in power than one named by the PA.

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