December 6, 2023

Mother Asks Supreme Court to Review Laws

A California mother is seeking relief from the Supreme Court after her child committed suicide.

Her child was removed from the mother’s care for not supporting the child’s transition surgery.

This is now the second case going before the court on this matter, with another mother in Indiana having a similar experience.

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Abigail Martinez, a Salvadoran immigrant, is struggling to deal with the loss of her daughter.

The young girl was apparently questioning her own sexuality when school officials encouraged her to join a club, where she was “persuaded that the only way to be happy was to change her gender.”

When the young girl spoke with the school psychiatrist, she was also encouraged to make the transition.

Martinez was never informed of this due to a new school policy that did not require school officials to notify parents of pronouns and preferred names being changed.

Martinez’s daughter was later hospitalized for attempted suicide, at which point the mother claims that the school told the daughter to accuse the mother of abuse because “she would lose custody and the state would pay for gender-transition treatments without parental consent.”

Martinez fought the allegations, but in the meantime, her daughter was removed from her custody, placed in a group home, and a judge ordered the daughter to be able to start to receive transition treatments.

Eventually, Martinez won her case and was declared a fit parent, and she sought to have her daughter treated for underlying depression instead of hormone treatments.

Her daughter committed suicide, lying down on train tracks as a train approached, so Martinez is now blaming the lack of treatment for depression for the suicide.

Kayla Toney, Associate Counsel for First Liberty Institute, who is representing Martinez, stated, “When governments usurp the essential role of parents in the lives of their children, tragedy ensues.

“The Constitution ensures that states cannot target parents because of their religious beliefs, interfere with the religious upbringing of their children, or impose prior restraints on speech in their own homes.

“We hope the Supreme Court will act to prevent state officials from committing any more violations of parental constitutional rights with impunity.”

If the court takes this case and rules against the state, laws in California, Oregon, and Washington would be overturned, as would three cases in Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio, all where parents lost their children for not supporting these treatments.

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