November 10, 2023

Minnesota Supreme Court Keeps Trump on Ballot

So, once again, the liberals have failed to have Donald Trump removed from the ballot.

The latest case is from Minnesota, where the state Supreme Court ruled against the plaintiffs.

This is a big win for Trump, as we ultimately look for the precedent that will shut all this down.

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So, as most of you know, Democrats and liberal groups are trying to have Trump removed from the ballot via the 14th Amendment.

According to their suits, Trump needs to be disqualified from being eligible due to Section 3, which is an insurrection clause.

Now, to this point, Trump has not been charged or convicted of insurrection, nor has he been charged or convicted of offering aid to insurrectionists.

Any legal expert worth their salt would tell you that would have to take place before this Amendment can be activated in this manner.

The Minnesota Supreme Court, however, took a different approach.

The court stated that the state can put anyone it wants on the ballot, but whether they can serve is an entirely different matter.

The court ruled, “There is no state statute that prohibits a major political party from placing on the presidential nomination primary ballot, or sending delegates to the national convention supporting, a candidate who is ineligible to hold office.”

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung stated that the ruling “is further validation of the Trump Campaign’s consistent argument that the 14th Amendment ballot challenges are nothing more than strategic, un-Constitutional attempts to interfere with the election.”

Trump also commented on Truth Social, calling this a “Hoax.”

While having a case settled at the state supreme court level will help, these suits are not going to stop until one goes before the Supreme Court where a true precedent can be set.

Even then, however, based on the ruling, the court may defer to a lower court ruling, such as in this case in Minnesota, where the court specifically cited the state constitution for being on the ballot.

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