February 22, 2024

Mike Pence Group Announces $20 Million Project to Defeat Populism

Mike Pence's Advancing American Freedom group is embarking on a $20 million initiative to combat what it perceives as "unprincipled populism" within conservative circles.

Known as the American Solutions Project, this effort aims to sway those on the right who have been lured by populist rhetoric back toward traditional conservative principles.

Pence articulated the importance of upholding enduring conservative values, emphasizing the resilience of principles that have underpinned the nation's foundation.

In an interview with RealClearPolitics, he stressed the need for fidelity to the Constitution and American ideals, cautioning against the sway of fleeting trends and personalities.

“Our nation was founded on conservative principles that have stood the test of time. The Constitution and this great American experiment must not be swayed by movements or personalities, but must hold fast to the time-honored principles that have made America strong and prosperous and free,” Pence said.

Although refraining from direct accusations, Pence lamented the departure of "many within the conservative movement" from these foundational principles, opting instead for populist ideologies disconnected from conservative ethos.

He affirmed his organization's commitment to championing these principles, asserting that adherence to timeless ideals is crucial for maintaining America's strength, prosperity, and liberty.

The $20 million earmarked for this endeavor will be allocated towards enhancing the staffing of Advancing American Freedom, bolstering infrastructure, and amplifying advocacy efforts.

A cadre of prominent figures, including Heritage Foundation founder Ed Feulner, Catholic University chairman Victor Smith, and North Carolina retail magnate Art Pope, have lent their support to the cause.

The American Solutions Project seeks to reclaim the narrative of conservatism by reinforcing traditional values and countering the allure of populist rhetoric.

By investing in organizational growth and mobilizing influential backers, Pence's group aims to reinvigorate the conservative movement and ensure its alignment with enduring principles that have defined America's greatness.

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