March 3, 2024

Mike Johnson Accused Of Impeding Progress In House

First, it was Kevin McCarthy.

Now, it's Mike Johnson.

Does any Speaker have a chance to make House Republicans happy?

Rep. Patrick McHenry is closing out two decades in Congress, but don't let his experience fool you into thinking he's old and tired.

McHenry is being referred to as a real "bomb-thrower" by Politico, referring to the lawmaker's recent comments, which have rattled many conservatives.

Famous for often wearing a bowtie, McHenry has been REALLY cranking up the criticism of Johnson lately.

Perhaps you'll remember that Johnson only recently took over as America's speaker of the House after McCarthy was ousted after a hilariously short term at the helm.

McHenry is accusing Johnson of being scared to suffer the same fate as McCarthy did, and as a result is drawing progress to a halt.

Instead of being bold and adventurous trying to get things done in this country, Johnson has seemingly been more eager to simply not be booted from the position, something about which McHenry is not happy.

"We’ve yet to actually fulfill and execute policy," McHenry recently complained, and it's a sentiment that a lot of Republicans agree with.

We wanted Republicans in Congress so that America could actually get some things done that benefit the citizens of this great country, but it appears as though the pressure McCarthy and Johnson have had to deal with has actually made it harder for us to get anything done despite having the majority in the House of Representatives.

If we wanted zero progress, we would have left liberals in charge.

Do you think that Johnson could be close to suffering the same fate as his predecessor?

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