February 19, 2024

Michelle Obama Now 3rd Favorite for 2024 Presidential Election

There are plenty of people who believe the people who make up the odds have some insight, especially in regard to the presidential election.

Those people got it wrong in 2016, by a large margin, as Trump was a huge underdog from the outset and was still listed as an underdog after winning the GOP nomination.

Perhaps that is why Michelle Obama being listed as the 3rd favorite to win the election is now getting some attention.

Making Her Move

The two favorites are as to be expected in this race, with Trump leading the odds with a 50.8% chance of winning the election, and Biden in second place at 31.8%.

However, while not mentioned in the Democrat primary, Michelle Obama is now listed as the third choice at 5.6%.

If you follow all the conspiracy theorists and quite a few conservative pundits, Michelle Obama is the October surprise.

The people who buy into this narrative believe that Biden will be ousted at the last minute, with Michelle Obama coming in to replace him, named at the convention as the candidate for Democrats.

This narrative has taken on a much bigger life since the special counsel report that more or less stated that Biden was not mentally fit for trial.

I, however, believe that this is Joe and it will be Joe on election day.

Former Obama adviser David Axelrod is on the same page, disqualifying her for the same reasons that I have listed in past reports.

Axelrod stated, “Well, here's what I know, Michelle Obama loves this country. She's a brilliant person and a brilliant communicator. But she was a conscript to politics.

“She never was interested in a political life. Even when Barack Obama was a young politician, she really didn't participate much in his campaigns. I was with him in a Senate campaign in 2004, I think she showed up twice in the whole campaign on election nights.

“So, you know, she is not someone who likes politics. She doesn't like the tone and tenor of politics.

“And I would be floored if she would be consent to that. They feel that they gave 10 years of their life to this. And I'm sure she feels as Barbara Bush did when she said there has to be someone other than the Bush's and the Clintons who could be President of the United States.

“My guess is that's her attitude.”

Michelle Obama has been very open about her distaste for the White House and politics, so Axelrod is dead on there.

But I take it a step further in saying that the main reason Michelle will never run is because she does not want to give up the glitzy lifestyle that she and Obama have become accustomed to since leaving office.

They are raking in millions and hanging out on super yachts, and they are not going to give that up for more years of major scrutiny and constantly being in the limelight of the media.

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