May 14, 2024

Michael Cohen: Melania’s Idea to Tout ‘Access Hollywood’ Tape as ‘Locker Room Talk’

Former Donald Trump fixer Michael Cohen took the stand on Monday.

It seemed to me the person who took the brunt of the hits was Melania Trump.

To that point, Cohen testified that it was Melania who came up with the idea to categorize the “Access Hollywood” tape that came out during the election as “locker room talk.”

The Tape

If you recall, that tape almost derailed the Trump campaign in 2016.

Donald Trump was already dealing with allegations of affairs, then the tape surfaced where Trump was discussing the benefits of being a big star, which included being able to grab women by the genitalia.

Several Trump insiders had discussed the tape, which included Campaign Press Secretary Hope Hicks, Cohen, and Steve Bannon.

According to Cohen, Melania came up with the idea for the spin that they eventually went with publicly.

Cohen stated, “The spin he wanted put on it was that this is locker room talk, something that Melania had recommended, or at least he told me that’s what Melania had thought it was, and use that in order to get control over the story and to minimize its impact on him and his campaign.”

Melania had been asked about the tape during a CNN interview just before the election, where she responded, “I heard many different stuff — boys talk.

“The boys, the way they talk when they grow up and they want to sometimes show each other, ‘Oh, this and that,’ and talking about the girls. But yes, I was surprised, of course.”

Now, I have no way of knowing if Cohen is telling the truth, but this is not going to help Melania in her dealings with the media.

In their eyes, that testimony will more or less make her complicit in Trump’s alleged conduct, giving them more or a reason to hate the woman and criticize her than they already do.

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