December 30, 2023

Michael Cohen Says Fake Cases In Legal Filing Came From AI Program

Recently, former Donald Trump attorney and fixer Michael Cohen submitted a petition for early termination of his supervised release.

In it, he cited three court cases that he said supported his argument.

There was just one problem with them.

They weren't real.

Fake, scam, completely made up, false, fraudulent, whatever other word you want to use.

Now, Cohen is taking his lumps and admitting to America that he didn't vet the AI tool he was using to prepare his argument.

Cohen is completely owning up to the court cases he referenced being completely made up, but he still doesn't want to take responsibility for it.

Instead of writing his own petition, Cohen had an AI interface do it for him.

Cohen chose Google Bard.

AI is not perfect, at least not yet, and gave Cohen completely false citations of court cases that supposedly supported his legal arguments.

Without stopping to check if the information was legitimate or not, Cohen submitted the filing to the court.

His excuse?

He didn't realize that Google Bard was an AI tool.

Cohen is trying to get us to believe he thought it was just a search engine.

That is the case despite Bard calling itself "conversational AI" both in Google search results and on its own home page.

Still, Cohen is sticking to his story that he believed Google Bard "to be a supercharged search engine, not a generative AI service like Chat-GPT."

Do you believe his excuse?

Personally, I absolutely do not.

I think that Cohen knew EXACTLY what type of service he was using, and he just didn't take the time to vet the petition he was having AI write for him.

That's just my opinion though.

The other possibility is that Cohen knew the cases were fake all along and submitted the petition anyway.

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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