October 8, 2023

Mexican Officials Say Biden Told Them He Doesn't Actually Want Border Wall

The truth hurts.

Joe Biden's was just exposed.

The media has been making a MASSIVE deal recently about how Joe Biden has been insisting that he's going to use Trump-era funds to make progress on America's southern border wall.

Let's be honest, America's southern border is an absolute disaster, and one of the biggest problems facing the country today.

Fentanyl is pouring over the border like crazy, killing Americans at a rate of which most opioids could only dream.

Illegal immigrants are pretty much being welcomed in, with many border facilities not actually enforcing immigration laws and the stations that are actually trying to do their jobs are understaffed with little resources.

This is a problem for both our infrastructure and our elections, as you'll remember that most liberals want these people to be able to vote without identification.

There's only one reason for that, so that illegal immigrants are allowed to cast (presumably Democratic) votes in our country's elections.

Biden and his officials have been pushing the narrative that they're going to close up America's southern border using funds allocated during Donald Trump's administration.

They are making a HUGE deal about this to try to get people who want a secure border back on their side.

But here's the brutal truth.

Biden and his team don't want to seal the border, and Mexico just told the world exactly that.

According to the Daily Wire, "Mexico’s leftist president said late this week that the Biden administration told him that they do not want to a build a border wall in between the U.S. and Mexico."

Yeah, sounds about right.

I could have told you that Biden NEVER wanted that border wall to get built as soon as he put Kamala Harris in charge of it.

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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