June 5, 2024

Merchan Warned Against Sentencing Trump to Prison

From the outset, the GOP and Donald Trump have maintained that these federal indictments are election interference.

Now a group of Senate Republicans is warning Judge Merchan not to take this to the next level.

Merchan has been warned by the Senators not to sentence Trump to jail or house arrest to prevent him from campaigning before the election.

Very Convenient

Merchan conveniently set the sentencing hearing for Trump only days before the Republican National Convention.

There is now considerable speculation as to why he did that.

One theory is that Merchan will sentence Trump to house arrest or jail. Not only that, but he will also require Trump’s sentence to be immediately imposed, which would mean that Trump would miss the convention and be prevented from campaigning for the rest of the cycle.

A group of Republican Senators is now warning Merchan that any such move would be considered election interference in their eyes.

Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) stated, “I’m very troubled by what I see in the way the courts have been weaponized.

“It used to be there were some institutions in America, namely the FBI, the Department of Justice and the courts, which were regarded as out of bounds for overt partisan politics, but unfortunately that’s changed, and not for the better.”

Senator Ted Budd (R-N.C.) added, “But when you see the conviction and the rules that he instructed the jury with, it’s completely unfair, it’s unconstitutional, and I would put nothing past him at this point.”

Based on a history of similar cases, this should have never gone to trial, instead having been settled for penalty and fine.

Republicans Senators have already stated that unless Merchan can find a precedent to justify jail time, he could be facing an investigation himself if he sentences Trump to jail or house arrest, proving that he is weaponizing the justice system to eliminate a political opponent.

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