May 18, 2024

Man Charged in Death of Jewish Protester

Murder charges have been FILED, and Democrats are likely losing their minds over them.

Loay Alnaji has been charged with manslaughter.

Alnaji, a Palestine supporter, has been charged after allegedly smacking nearly 70-year-old Jewish protestor and supporter of Israel, Paul Kessler, with a megaphone.

The alleged hit is said to have then caused Kessler to fall and hit his head on the ground.

Kessler died in a hospital from his injuries.

Alnaji has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Despite Kessler RECORDING a video of the incident and Kessler’s blood and DNA having been CONFIRMED to be on Alnaji’s megaphone, there has yet to be any evidence of a real ‘hate crime’ to have been committed.

In fact, a press release on the case said just that.

“While antisemitic hate speech was heard at the November 5, 2023, rally, there is no evidence those words were said by Alnaji,” the release said.

Are they joking?

Maybe even more insulting was a statement from Alnaji’s lawyer, Ron Bamieh.

Bamieh told CNN Alnaji acted in SELF-DEFENSE.

This case is a simple question of whether or not my client had the right to swat Mr. Kessler’s phone away, and as a result, hit him in the face in self-defense, saying that “this case is a simple question of whether or not my client had the right to swat Mr. Kessler’s phone away, and as a result, hit him in the face in self-defense.”

Bamieh also previously said Alnaji “fully cooperated with law enforcement, attempted to aid Mr. Kessler when he fell, and called 911 when he realized that Mr. Kessler was injured.”

Regardless of how you feel about the conflict between Israel and Hamas, one thing is clear -- the Palestine-supporting protestors are NOT peaceful.

They have as already led to a death

The delusional Democrats are living in their own fantasy land clinging to the belief that pro-Palestine protests are not harmful.

How many other people must get hurt before Democrats are willing to admit the truth?

The sooner they all wake up and face the reality of what pro-Palestine protestors are actually doing, the better.

To read more about the details of this story, please feel free to click on the original source here.

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