June 2, 2024

Melania Trump believes husband's conviction a 'political assassination'

Former First Lady Melania Trump has been through a lot recently, and none of it seems to be her fault. Melania knows that liberals are doing whatever they can to destroy the lives and reputation of her husband and the rest of their family, but she's going to stand by him and weather the storm.

According to PEOPLE, an unnamed source says that Melania “believes this is a political assassination, but she knows exactly who she married.”

The source did not stop there, explaining that “for this reason has chosen to stay away from media attention to protect herself and her son Barron.”

Melania hasn't come out and publicly said the word assassination, but others have, and some of them are talking about much more than a character assassination. However, some have concerns not just of a character assassination, but that Trump might actually have to worry about people trying to kill him.

Tucker Carlson shared this warning to former President Donald Trump during a segment earlier this year:

“If you felt, and you really believe it, and a lot of them do, that the worst thing that could happen to the country, and more specifically, to you in the professional class is to have Donald Trump as president — and everything you have tried has failed, and they have been accelerating steps – protests, impeachment, indictment – like, how many more arrows do you have in your quiver? And what’s the next one? And of course it’s assassination,” Carlson said.

“People have been assassinated in this country. Far more often than we’re willing to admit,” Carlson continued.

“If you want to know what’s true, just look at the things that you aren’t allowed to say. You’re not allowed to say them not because they’re conspiracy theories or lies. You’re not allowed to say them precisely because they are not conspiracy theories or lies. They are true. And that is true. Period,” Carlson concluded.

While we hope Carlson is not right about his eerie concern, it would not be hard to imagine something that insane occurring at the hands of the radical left.

Carlson is speaking truth about the fact that regardless of what liberals do to Trump, his supporters are not going to waver in their decision to back Trump.

Melania has yet to break her silence on her husband's verdict and, with the concerns brought up by the unnamed source as well as Tucker Carlson, we do not blame her.

We hope the Trump family is able to stay safe and find peace during this terrifying time!

If you would like to read more about the details of this story, please feel free to click on the source link here.

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