June 1, 2024

Melania Trump not shocked by guilty verdict: Reports

After former President Donald Trump was found guilty on all 34 charges in his ‘hush money’ trial, the world has at least one burning question:

What will former first lady Melania Trump do?

While she has not spoken, it is safe to say she has "broken her silence" on the matter, because she made her mind up long ago! She hasn't gone public, but those with knowledge of her inner circle have:

Melania will stand by her husband.

Donald Trump, however, did not stay quiet long.

In true Trump fashion, he let reports know EXACTLY what he thought of the verdict outside of the courtroom.

“This was a disgrace. This was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt,” Trump said.

Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., has also released a statement on his father’s recent guilty verdict.

“Obviously [it's] just a sad day for America. Crazy what's going on in this country. Obviously [no one was] probably expecting anything different with this jury, with this biased judge, whose daughter is profiteering from this stuff,” Donald Jr. said in a recent statement.

“This was a disgrace. This was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt,” he continued.

While Melania may not have released a statement at this point in time, Trump has always relied on the support of his family, which has long played a major role in his life.

Former Trump aide Stephanie Winston Wolkoff has released a prediction to the Daily Mail on Melania’s next move when her husband's sentencing date arrives.

“I do believe she will show up, and it will be the art of distraction. It will shine a bright light on Melania when it's needed the most, when other things that are happening in Donald's life need to be shaded,” Wolkoff said.

“Melania knew exactly who she married. She knew that this was a transactional marriage. She became a top model. He became a loving, doting father, and it set them up for their win for the White House,” she continued.

Trump’s former press secretary, Stephanie Grisham, sat down for an interview with CNN where she released her thoughts on how Trump’s family support is something that means a great deal to him, and that their absence can take a toll when it occurrs.

“Absolutely, I know it bothers him. That kind of thing would bother him. If Mrs. Trump wasn't at some event and it was really noted, he would definitely bring it up with her. So, I'm sure in this context, it's definitely really bothering him,” Grisham said.

What do you think Melania will say when she breaks her public silence?

Let us know in the comments below.

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