November 1, 2023

McConnell Pushes Back on Democrat Attacks on Supreme Court

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) told Senate Republicans to stop issuing subpoenas in a battle against conservative Supreme Court justices.

McConnell shared the warning during a press conference on Tuesday concerning attacks on Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

“What he’s targeting here is private citizens with no legislative purpose. I think it’s completely and totally inappropriate,” McConnell said.

"Durbin and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Federal Courts, announced Monday that the Senate Judiciary Committee will vote to authorize subpoenas for billionaire real estate magnate Harlan Crow and mortgage company owner Robin Arkley II, who provided hospitality to Thomas and Alito, according to media reports," the Hill stated.

"Real estate magnate Harlan Crow, mortgage company owner Robert Arkley, and Federalist Society Leonard Leo will all be the target of Democratic subpoenas," the Daily Mail reported.

"A bombshell ProPublica report in April laid out how Crow treated Thomas to luxury vacations over the course of their 20-year friendship. In June, the outlet reported Alito was a guest of Arkley at his luxury fishing lodge in Alaska for free in 2008," it continued.

Thomas has publicly responded that the reports are inaccurate, noting he has complied fully with all laws related to his position.

The move is part of an ongoing battle by Democrats to discredit conservative justices following the loss of liberals on the nation's highest court.

Former President Donald Trump added three conservative justices to the court during his four years in office.

Despite winning the White House and the Senate, Democrats continue to set their eyes on the target of once again controlling power of the Supreme Court.

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