May 14, 2024

McConnell Calls Demands Better Secret Service Security at RNC

Protests regarding the Israel-Hamas war have been breaking out all over the country.

They have become very popular on college campuses and at political events.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is now calling on the Secret Service to make sure there are no problems at the Republican National Convention by pushing these protesters further away from the events.


Some of the protests we have seen have turned violent, so there is real concern about the national conventions that are going to take place later this year for both parties.

To that point, Senator McConnell is hoping that the Secret Service will jump in to extend the perimeter around the events to help keep everyone safe.

McConnell penned a letter to the director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, stating, “I am deeply concerned about reports that the security perimeter around the Republican Convention site in Milwaukee may be creating a likely — and preventable — area of conflict between protesters and convention attendees and delegates.

“As you know, this year has been a very challenging one for protests in the United States. We must all take seriously that tensions are high and do our best to balance the right to express dissent while also keeping Convention attendees as safe as possible.”

With Trump’s (and Republicans in general) stance against Hamas, this convention will surely be targeted by radicals.

And as crazy as things have become as of late, we have to be super careful because you know someone out there will want to make a name for themselves with Trump, his family, and all of his surrogates being there.

Point being, it would not be surprising to see someone taking advantage of a close perimeter to take a ran at Trump or another Republican to show their support for Hamas or Palestine.

For once, McConnell has actually done something right.

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