November 13, 2023

McCarthy Unsure If He Will Seek Re-election

Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) whole purpose in life was to become Speaker of the House.

After Ryan retired, McCarthy became focused on winning back the House and getting that gavel.

After several failed attempts, he finally managed to achieve that goal during the 2022 cycle, but he was eventually ousted as Speaker in what had to be a devasting blow to his ego.

Not Sure

There have been rumors since McCarthy was ousted that he may hang it up. One of the main reasons this concerns Republicans is because of McCarthy’s unbelievable run as a fundraiser.

Let’s be honest here… it was not his leadership skills that he was made leader in the House for Republicans. It was because he is the top fundraiser in the party in the House.

Now McCarthy is pondering leaving Congress, stating, “I got the holidays. I will talk to my family ... and then I will make a decision.”

When he was asked about the devastating 2023 cycle, he responded, “We had a bad night, but you learn from it.”

But you see, that is the problem… McCarthy never did learn from prior losses and there is no reason to believe he will have learned his lesson this time around either.

You want to know what I think? I believe this is all posturing by McCarthy because his ego is bruised and he needs to hear from everyone how important he is to the party.

From my perspective, I could care less if he leaves because I have always tagged him as part of the problem in DC that needs to be removed.

McCarthy is one of the many in Congress who forgets he is there to represent the people, not his own interests. He is an establishment sell-out… always has been, and he always will be.

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